Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Have A Choice

I know that each week it seems to be a "new strategy" but like I said before, this is all a journey and the most important thing is that I find what really works for me. So I have yet, another strategy...rather, a different mind set. With the prior attempts I felt like I was in this major food struggle. I wanted all these forbidden foods but my plan(s) didn't allow them so I felt this huge internal conflict which only caused more stress which in turn made me want to eat every more. It's weird how we make food into this huge force to be reckoned with when really, it's merely what we make it. I'm going to look at food like this from this point forward..."is this food going to take me closer or further from my goal?". If the answer is further, I need to make a better choice. My choices don't have to be dramatic or complicated they just needs to be a step in the right direction. 

Today in a nutshell
7:30 am 
  • Amazing Grass (wheat grass) mixed with a Cranberry Raspberry Juice (made of 100% juice) 
8:00 am 
  • Kellogg's FiberPlus bar -130 calories and 35% of your daily recommended fiber. I must say they did make we a little bloated (and gassy) but according to what I've read the bloated feeling will go away once your body adapts to the extra fiber. This bar kept we full all the way till lunch at 12:30ish
  • Coffee with just a fat-free half & half     
12:00 pm

  • Herbalife Aloe, Tea and Shake. I had Dani, the wonderful co-owner of D&G Nutrition, mix in a banana into my shake...super yummy
3:30 pm

  • A gala apple and a piece of light string cheese (carb and protein mix)
6:30 pm

  • Kashi Sandwich (300 calories and really tasty) 
  • Skinny Cow Cone (150 cal)
  • 10 Strawberries 
All-in-all my calories were right around 1200. This morning I also did some strength training and cardio...I feel great.


  1. Today I stated a couple new things. Mixing the Mars Venus Diet and exercise solution and have also committed to the Ultra Simple Diet by your Dr. Mark Hyman. They work well together since they both suggest similar h20 drinks first thing in the morning, shaking and stretching. Hyman suggests organic extra virgin olive oil while Gray suggest 1 oz. organic cold press leaf only aloe with lemon and pure h20. I went with Gray since it is already made and measured. Did my morning shaking and stretches and added a little walking, not as much as I'd like but did a lot of walking at farmers market and Sams
    Enjoyed the morning Isagenix shake. At farmers market was not tempted with anything unhealthy. Had a taste of roasted chile and a sample morsal burger with feta from todays SF chef. Avoided the coffee, a first and any bread and fruit products.
    Did not get hungry until about noon and went out and got a cobb chicken salad. Had to give my tomatoes and eggs to my friend since these are foods I am allergic to. Had some ice coconut milk chocolate with nuts a couple of hours later. Enjoyed it and glad it will not be tempting me from the freezer any longer. Did not get stressed over the treat and enjoyed it and For dinner had another skate.
    Something good happened because I had energy to vacuum the living room.Vacuum and wash kitchen and dining room floors. Went to study group and was really in tuned and excited that it all went well.

  2. Keep it up dude... I do like your strategy of asking yourself if it helps you get closer to your goal... but if it becomes too intense.. just eat the cookie, but get back on track for the next 5 days. Go easy on yourself.. these healthy transformations don't happen over night, but I can tell that your efforts and drive are awesome and totally motivate me to make better decisions... however, I do have a half a pan of brownies at home that just keep staring at me.. so once I finish those bad boys off, I will retire the baking pans for a while ;)
