Monday, September 7, 2009

New Strategy

Ok. As you as you can see, I've kinda fallen off the wagon. But like the trooper I am, I'm back with a new game plan. Over the weekend I ate way to much and exercised way to little but I also happened to start reading a new book...UltraMetabolism by Dr. Mark Hyman. From what I've gathered so far it's all about reeducating your metabolism. The reason we need to reeducate is because most of us have poor eating and lifestyle habits which have thrown us way off track. His program essentially has 3 phases:

  1. Preparation - is all about eliminating Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Hydrogenated fats, Junk Food, Alcohol and Caffeine. This pre-phase is intended to last 1 week. Although Dr. Hyman does give suggestions for weening yourself off coffee he thinks "cold turkey" is the best way to get off sugar (it's gonna be tough for me).
  2. Phase I - Detoxify - this phase is intended to "unlock and restart" your metabolism. In this phase you are still avoiding the items from the preparation phase but you start to really incorporate whole, natural foods into your diet. This phase is 3 weeks.
  3. Phase II - Rebalance and Maintain - This is what he describes as the "lifestyle phase". According to the book, at this point you have transitioned over to healthy foods, healthy living...leaving your bad habits and cravings behind.     
So this week I'll be eliminating all the food as indicated in the preparation phase. I'm nervous but I know I can make it through. Dr. Hyman gives the following suggestions for making the transition easier.
  • Include protein at breakfast
  • Eat something every 3-4 hours
  • Eat small snacks. He suggests fruit and some nuts
  • Avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed
  • Avoid quick absorbing carbs like white bread and refined, processed carbs
  • Pack healthy snacks to help you avoid temptation
  • Plan your meals ahead of time
  • 1-2 oz of 70% dark chocolate is allowed daily
  • 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week
My Plan for Day 1 
8:00 am - Plain, Non-fat kefir and frozen blueberries
11:00 am - Chicken Salad
3:00 pm - Cantaloup and a handful of almonds
6:00 pm - lean protein and veggies
Exercise at least 30 minutes with my boot camp class
I'll check in tomorrow to let you know how things go.


  1. Wow your pretty buff in your picture! You look good! Good luck on the new strategy! I know you can do it your a tough girl!!

  2. Well you are gaining more knowledge and with knowledge comes obedience the tough part. But with correct council comes the strength and eventually wisdom and understanding.
    Onward and beyond.
    I too have fallen out of my routine and am doing the John Gray thing.
    He suggest to start off in the morning with a glass of good water with a half organic lemon, pinch of honey and an oz. of purealoe vera, the good one. Do a little body shaking to awaken within and a 30 minute workout with more shaking and stretching. Will be doing the PACE program. One minute jump rope, one minute rest for at least 5 to 6 sets and increase.
    The audio says to start off with a two day fast to help rid the cravings and then start his program. Got his stuff yesterday, so tomorrow will start the program with a fast.
    You go girl!
