Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 1 Check-in

8:30 am - Breakfast
  • frozen blueberries and plain, non-fat kefir 
    • Blueberries are known as superfood. They are a great source of antioxidants and according to blueberries also good for the following
      • Vision
      • Protection against Macular Degeneration
      • Brain
      • Promotion of Gastrointestinal Health
      • Protection against Colon Cancer
      • Protection against Ovarian Cancer
      • Healthier Elimination
    • According to kefir is "easily digested, it cleanses the intestines, provides beneficial bacteria and yeast, vitamins and minerals, and complete proteins."
I was really feeling like a cup of coffee this morning but I was able to sit back and realize I really didn't need it (or want it). When I sat back and thought about the coffee I realized that I didn't even like the kind that was available plus we didn't have cream (only the powder creamer) so I decided I would be just fine without my morning cup of joe.

11:30 am - Lunch
  • 3/4 of a DG's turkey, swiss, green chile
  • 1 bag baked BBQ chips
  • iced tea sweetened with truvia (the mainstream brand of stevia). From what I've read stevia is so much better for you than sugar or artificial sweeteners. Stevia has zero calories. Click here for more information on Stevia.
  • Coffee with two creams and stevia (I couldn't hold out any longer...I needed a caffine boost)
For the most part I did fairly good for lunch although I did eat till I was too full. Instead of eating 3/4 of my sandwich I think I would have been satisified with 1/2. I ordered a whole wheat roll verse white and I also ordered the smallest size of sandwich they have (although I do think they actually gave me a regular size instead of the mini I had ordered). The coffee...I had done so well this morning but by noon I was really craving the taste so I stopped at McDonalds--small coffee and two creams. Im noticing I do so much of my eating out of habit, not even out of true hunger. I'm really going to have to monitor my I'm eating and reconnect with eating for the right reasons. 

3:00 pm
  • 3 small squares of Grizzy dark chocolate with raspberries
Although I was tempted to eat the rest of the bar I was able to stop, think and realize I can have a couple more squares tomorrow but I was not easy to practice that kind of moderation. Late in afternoon is when I usually struggle with keeping my eating check and today is no different. I dont know why but this is when my food cravings always kick's not even actual hungers, it's just wanting to eat for the sake of eating.

8:00 pm

  • Thanks to my dear friend Bre I had some awesome (and healthy) turkey enchiladas
  • 1/2 cup of corn 
  • A few chile & lime chips
  • 1 square of dark chocolate
The meal was really satisfying and really tasty, and also really low in calories (considering it's enchiladas). I had put a few chips on my plate but I found myself unconsciously continuing to dig into the bag for more...Bre finally took the bag away from me (she's a good friend).

I did about an hour of interval training with my boot camp sessions. It felt so awesome to sweat and work hard. I also drank all my water--half my body weight in ounces plus a few more glasses since I was exercising. The only thing I did not complete from my goals for the day was my 10 minutes of Abs before bed...I got home too late.

1 comment:

  1. 3:00 was always a problem and by four after teaching I was starving... Wanted to eat everything in site and the only thing that helped was to make sure I had protein at noon and drank lots of water, which I always have loved so that usually did the trick and oh yea, not keep any goodies I might be tempted with around the house. I learned to be real picky, but beware of organic it's just as deadly.
    I kind of like what a friend of my does when she see ice cream, which she use to love, she visualizes a glob of lard a lot like those fake desserts you see at PK Changs. I don't know how they sell them. Anyway it has payed off for her she is a size 6.
    You once told me to write everything down when you do you are accountable and what I found out was to write down before hand and try and follow my regiment that way I planned ahead. It has helped.
    Today, Day 2 for me went ok, 3 meals 80/20 and the third one included a fish enchilada no cheese and I should have excluded the blue corn tortilla. I feel so much better without the cow's cheese so it is getting easier to do with out. I still allow feta (sheep) sprinkled on greek salad and remembered to do without the tomatoes. another plus.
    My biggest downfall is to think I deserve something, special so am ditching the need to purchase something during my friend's and my shop walks. My limit is less then $10 unless I really need it. Justified it today by buying my hubby something instead. Kept the receite, just in case. Day 2 AND COUNTING. To figure it all out is a process and a commitment.
    Chewing gum amy help with the wanting to eat. Hey I chew string and toothpicks, especially the cinnimon ones, as a kid just to help the jitters.
