8:00 am
- Coffee, 2 creams and truvia
- Go Lean Cereal and Almond Milk - Almond milk is a great alternative to milk or even soy milk. I get unsweetened vanilla...it's super delicious and it only has 40 calories per cup. I found that Toucan's in Las Cruces has the best price on it...2 cartons for $5
- 3/4 of a chicken salad sandwich on pita bread
- side of greek salad
- 1 Nectarine
- 3 small squares of dark chocolate
- 1 square of mint dark chocolate - This is where is starts going down hill. I know I was supposed to be monitoring my sugar today but my cravings were just insane.
2:00 pm
- In an effort to curb my sugar cravings I have fiber wheat thins and a wedge of the laughing cow cheese but unfortunately I end up throwing down 4 chocolate kisses
- By this point my sugar cravings are through the roof and I'm counting the minutes till I can leave work and go and get an ice cream float. I had the float made with diet soda and although that does cut down on the calories it's definitely not a healthy food choice. By this time I had used all my calories for the day and so much of it was on junk...what a bummer.
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