Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 3

Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar is a BIG one for me. I love cakes, cookies, name it, I probably like it. But the thing about sugar is that it goes straight to your butt, thighs or wherever else you store your weight if you don't burn it off right away through physical activity. Unless you're an elite athelete you're probably not able to use more than 10 grams of sugar at a time. Today I'm going to try to keep all my food items below 10 grams of sugar per serving (this includes fruit).

8:00 am

  • Coffee, 2 creams and truvia
  • Go Lean Cereal and Almond Milk - Almond milk is a great alternative to milk or even soy milk. I get unsweetened's super delicious and it only has 40 calories per cup. I found that Toucan's in Las Cruces has the best price on it...2 cartons for $5 
11:45 am

  •  3/4 of a chicken salad sandwich on pita bread
  • side of greek salad
1:30 pm

  • 1 Nectarine
  • 3 small squares of dark chocolate 
  • 1 square of mint dark chocolate - This is where is starts going down hill. I know I was supposed to be monitoring my sugar today but my cravings were just insane.
2:00 pm 
  • In an effort to curb my sugar cravings I have fiber wheat thins and a wedge of the laughing cow cheese but unfortunately I end up throwing down 4 chocolate kisses
5:15 pm 
  • By this point my sugar cravings are through the roof and I'm counting the minutes till I can leave work and go and get an ice cream float. I had the float made with diet soda and although that does cut down on the calories it's definitely not a healthy food choice.  By this time I had used all my calories for the day and so much of it was on junk...what a bummer.
Although today wasn't necessarily successful--in terms of watching my sugar consumption--tomorrow's a new day. 

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