Sunday, August 23, 2009


I wish I could say I had a good reason for eating ice cream and cheese-covered burritos till I'm almost sickly stuffed, but I don't. I actually know quite a bit in terms of health and what it takes to be "healthy" but I just don't apply it. I'm actually a fitness should be my life. I preach about the importance of daily exercise and a balanced, clean diet but I've yet to apply it to my own life. Don't get me wrong, I have week-long stints where I'm as healthy as can be but unfortunetly my health streaks are always short lived. 

My goal for the next 30 days is to get to the root of my on-again, off-again health kicks and truly adopt a healthy, realistic lifestyle that I can maintain for the rest of my life. I don't exactly have all the details for how the next 30 days will go but I will be sharing my journey with you every step of the way. 

1 comment:

  1. Today is my first day of a 40 day change. I managed to eat a late breakfast of 80% salad, no dressing and 20% cooked pumpkin with seeds. After my morning thyroid support I felt an uneasy stomach and at Indian Market went to Starbucks and ordered a green tea, no sweetener. Water is my favorite and bought some of that as well. Before coming home ordered Chamomile tea. At home nearly 4 p.m. I cooked 80% veggies from farmers market and 20% sardine. Around 7 felt a little hunger and grabbed 5 almonds, too salty. At 8;30 had a coconut milk bar. Drank more water and was glad it was late so I would not be tempted.
    Am trying to follow The Body Ecology Diet which is to help heal ones digestion. My energy is down and I have one day under my belt and 39 to go. I had to do a lot of praying and self talk and remember I made a promise to uphold my part.
    My little tidpit for the day was thinking about paper mache and kept realized how flour products could be sticky "glue-like" consistency in my intestines that gum it up. Sugar and flour are the most damaging to the colon. Sugar is not a biggy for me but chocolate is.
    Everybody is losing weight except me so I am taking a different approach. Basically my meals will consist of 20% acid-forming foods and 80% alkaline-forming foods while following the food combinations rules that prevent me from feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Day two awaits.
