Sunday, August 23, 2009

The growing list of why I want to get healthy

  1. When I'm healthy, I feel awesome. My clothes fit better, my skin is smoother, I have more mental clarity and I'm all-in-all more confident
  2. I think health = living your best life possible
  3. If I get healthy it might be contagous and inspire others to do the same
  4. If I make being healthy a lifestyle I won't have to think of my weight because a healthy weight it a bi-product of healthy eating
  5. I will decrease my chances of disease and illness now and for the future
  6. I will have increased energy and vitality...being tired all the time sucks! I'm ready to fuel my body right and reap the energy rewards 
  7. Being healthy will make me a better partner, sister, daughter, friend, employee and business owner    
  8. I don't want to be a slave to food. There are times when I feel like food controls should be the other way around. There is absolutely no reason why I should feel addicted to cookies, cupcakes and junk food in general. I'm the boss of my body, I just need to reclaim my authority

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