Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 2 Check-in

Sleep: 6 1/2 hours...I know I need more

8:30 am
  • Strawberry Kefir - As I stated yesterday, kefir is a great "health food" but what I noticed with the flavored version is that it has way too much sugar...almost 23 grams per serving (I try to keep my sugar to less than 10 grams per serving). I'm much better off with my plain kefir with frozen fruit mixed in.
11:30 am
  • Chick-fil-a - Grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat and with mustard instead of mayo. I really need to start taking my lunch to work with me but for a fast food option this wasn't too bad (260 calories). 
2:00 pm
  • 3 small pieces of dark chocolate with raspberries plus a square of mint dark chocolate. I love me some chocolate.
3:30 pm
  • Instead of indulging in more chocolate I decided to eat a laughing cow wedge (light swiss) and some wheat thins (the fiber version). This satisfied my craving for more chocolate. 
4:00 pm

  • I was doing so good until Ed's mom brought in a homemade apple pie (it was still warm). I had a small piece and savored each bite.
6 pm
  • A Herbalife protein bar and a few spoonfuls of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia (the frozen yogurt kind) 

1 comment:

  1. 80/20 again today with1/2 vegan burrito, large salad with feta and stir fried veggies with a chicken soup, tea and lost of water, with no ice. Even got in some walking and was real sharp at our women's group. Tried sage and rosemary essential oils with apricot oil rubbed on my temples forehead. Felt I was on. It feel great not to have bloating and intestinal stuff going on. Warm tea felt good during the coolness of the day. Having a difficult time sleeping so trying to get tired even though I woke up very early this morning.
    Day 3 down and counting.
